a9s Cloud Foundry: A Complete Platform Solution Learn More

App Development For The Cloud

Modern application solutions require a special software architecture to be able to use the advantages of the cloud. For more than 7 years we have been developing cloud native apps with modern technologies and current methods.

Benefit from our experience. We pass it on during trainings and when handling or being involved in software projects (web and mobile).


Using established and yet cutting edge technologies is one of the biggest challenges when developing enterprise software. We achieve this through ongoing market observation and the continuous evaluation of “cutting edge” technologies. Our current toolset includes Java, Ruby on Rails, Go, and AngularJS combined with responsive HTML5 and CSS3 in the SaaS development.


“Lean software development” is characterized by a clear focus on customer value, consistent detection, and avoiding waste combined with continuous improvement (“Kaizen”).

Cloud Foundry helps you to ensure continuous development. This leads to shorter release cycles and reduced pressure for the operating team since developers independently deploy code, start services, and scale instances.


Building on the agile manifesto and with the clear objective of ensuring software development is lean and flexible, for years we have consistently focused on agile software development.

This creates quick results, close cooperation between the customer and developer team, high-quality software, and continuous improvement.

We use the kanban method to visualize and continuously improve development processes, identify problems and ensure transparent progress tracking and shorter development time.

Continuous Delivery

Quick and continuous releasing of high-quality software is achieved using Continuous Deployment, Test Driven Development (TDD), and Continuous Integration. This means developers can deploy new releases quickly and easily on test or live environments without complicated agreement processes.

Cloud Foundry plays a key role here because these methods are only possible in a platform as a service environment.

Complicated annual releases with week-long tests, ordering new hardware, and installation lasting days are finally a thing of the past.

Twelve Factor Compliance

No matter what programming language is used, the Twelve Factor Compliance is important if it should be working as Software as a Service (SaaS) in a cloud environment. The twelve factors describe characteristics that a “cloud native app” should have to be able to operate. If these factors are taken into account, scaling, lean deployment in various environments, and adding other developers to the project are all simple. It goes without saying that we follow these rules while building software.

Software as a Service

Modern software is usually offered as a service. The user is able to use the software directly in their web browser or smartphone and there's no need for complicated, local installation, updates, or on-premise models any more.

The software supplier usually operates the software in a cloud - this enables updates and bug fixes to be published flexibly and resources to be used efficiently. The release cycles and costs are reduced significantly using this model.

Microservice Architecture

A microservice oriented architecture uses all of the advantages of the cloud, in particular with regard to scalability and maintainability. Modern front-ends access specialized, slim microservices via REST-APIs and offer ideal user experience.

In contrast to complex monoliths they save resources by scaling individual microservices on demand.

Test-driven Development

Test-driven development is characterized by the use of automated tests for critical parts of the software when pushing changes to the version management (continuous integration). Costly, manual testing can be removed, which in turn shortens release cycles, avoids waste, and significantly increases the quality of the software.


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Sara Fischer

Sara Fischer
Sales Representative

🇺🇸 +1 415 230 0553
🇪🇺 +49 30 652 122 126