Join anynines

Help us build the future of cloud platforms

At anynines, we solve big problems for biggest companies in the world. See how you can make your mark.

Open Positions

Cutting-edge Technologies

We are a small, ambitious team working with
the biggest players in the field. What started
out as an effort to create an all-European, secure
Platform-as-a-Service for developers turned into
a bold mission to change how enterprise teams
build and manage their development infrastructure.
Join us in reaching that goal.


Take a deep breath

Our headquarters is in Saarbrücken
— a quaint town on the German-French
border, surrounded by beautiful old forest, so
work-life balance is never an issue.

As an employee at anynines I benefit from a large degree of freedom when it comes to implementing my ideas. We automate as much as possible and prefer free software whenever possible because it allows us to understand what is going on in case of failures while also enabling us to improve upon tried ideas.

Khaled Blah Senior DevOps

Be aware of scams involving phony job postings and recruitment fraud. anynines will never charge you for an interview or ask you to set up bank accounts and give us money in order to work here. At anynines, we send emails from an identifiable corporate email account and our positions are posted on the Career page of the anynines website. All our open positions are posted on the anynines site; apply only via our career portal or links that connect you directly to our open positions.